About the Author
Kirsten Hunter

Kirsten is a Clinical Psychologist with too much energy. She is a proud mother of 5 boys, she runs her Private Psychology Practice of 20 years with enthusiasm, and is the author of the 6 book DIY psychology series, SIGNPOSTS FOR LIVING and the author of a series of 4 child psychology books.
Kirsten is soon to launch her debut fiction novel MURDER AT THE NARCISSUS GARDENING CLUB in May 2024. This is the first of a series of six crime fiction books, the second book MYSTERY OF PLACID HOUSE is coming out hot on its heels, in August 2024.
As a native Queenslander (Toowoomba, Australia), Kirsten, her beautiful husband Jon and their boys love to get outside and hike either through the mountain area where they lives, or along the coastline. A spot of scuba diving is their real treat.
“I routinely get asked – How do I find time to write given how hectic my world is – That’s like saying, how do you find time to watch TV.
Writing is my pleasure, my joy, my downtime. I recharge from writing.”
Dr Kirsten Hunter
Bach Beh. Sci.
Bach Psych (Honours)
Ph.D. Clinical Psychology
What our readers are saying
Dr June Henry
A brilliant Agatha Christie style puzzle mystery, with a provocative psychological edge.
Christine Buckley
You haven't seen this book before. This is a truly fresh piece of work, a whodunnit that's disturbingly relevant. Margot Gray has an intoxication with life, but she lives in the corners, the area where most people only imagine human nature can go.
Karley Flegerbein
A must-read for those who enjoy deconstructing compelling characters... a truly cathartic ending.
Vanya Hinton
Mystery of Placid house
If you appreciate complex characters, intriguing yet relatable plots, and psychological whodunnits, then this book is tailor-made for you.
Amy Weeks
Mystery of Placid house
Margot Grey makes a triumphant return! I adore her; she's simply irrepressible. I'm eagerly anticipating more from this series.
Koldo Galdos
Mystery of Placid house
You won’t guess the ending… but all the clues are ingeniously laid out. Prepare for a twist that's both unimaginable and yet firmly rooted in reality.
These books kept me reading. I could relate to so much of the material, it either got me thinking, taught me about myself and my loved ones, or confirmed that I'm on track with some areas in my life from psych terms, which was nice. Great investment of time and money to have these books within reach.
I really liked that I could hear Kirsty's voice coming through in these Signposts books. I felt like she was just taking me aside and talking me through some issues that I really want to work on. It's like having a psychologist in my bookshelf.
I'm up to Book 4, Understanding Others; Loved Ones to Tricky Ones and I can't put it down. People in my life are just jumping off the page. I wish I had this book series earlier, it could have saved me a lot of grief and it could have sped me up in figuring out this crazy thing that life is. Well done Kirsten, immense achievement getting all that good stuff in these six books. Highly, highly recommend!
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