
14 Benefits of Mindfulness for Mental Health

Mindfulness is life changing:

1. Mindfulness allows you to cultivate your ability to calm your mind, to relax your body, to concentrate on your moment-to-moment life and to see more clearly.

2. This skill to living helps you feel young at any age. Because you are aware of the many things around you that you can enjoy, it is an embracing approach to your life.

3. You will sleep better.

4. You will become more able to cope with stressful situations.

5. You will feel stronger in your sense of self-worth.

6. Your enthusiasm and enjoyment of work and life will be boosted. Your general sense of contentment will rise from tuning in and enjoying your immediate environment and experiences, rather than being ‘vagued out’ or consumed by fear of the future or the past.

7. You will start releasing yourself from social controls. When we plug in to the now and learn to find enjoyment and meaning in this moment, our focus on social pressures melts away. We are no longer looking to outside forces for affirmation.

8. You will benefit from the skill of slowing down the pace of life. This will allow you to make the most of each day and to savour the simple pleasures in life that are all around you in your now.

9. Playfulness is and always will be the ultimate energy generator. Mindfulness is really a playful adventuring within life itself. You will get to engage in the moment-to-moment adventure that life is. This playfulness is one of the best indicators of mental health.

10. You are practicing taking responsibility for yourself and your capacity to be present in the moment.

11. Mindfulness allows you to use your best china now, burn your pretty candle now, invite friends over when your house is far from tidy and pristine, and cook intriguing new recipes now. You are enjoying our life now, not saving these special things for a future that continues to move further away as you travel along half asleep. After all, we are not promised tomorrow.

12. Research shows that having appreciation and gratitude are some of the fastest pathways to happiness. Appreciation is a fundamental and basic outlook on life that can be developed. We need to realise in each moment how lucky we are for what we have.

13. Total involvement in our environment can help us turn our focus away from ourselves. This can be a good antidote to anxiety and depressive mood where we are going in circles thinking about ourselves and our own negative self-talk.

14. Through mindfulness we learn to meet our life moment by moment. This is the real meditation practice.


Dr Kirsten Hunter

Dr Kirsten Hunter is a Clinical Psychologist of 22 years. She works with children, teenagers, adults and couples.

Kirsten has written 6 DIY psychology books (Signposts for Living) and 4 Child Psychology picture books (SQUISH Series).

Kirsten is the mother to 5 beautiful boys. Alongside her husband Jon, she loves scuba diving and getting lost in nature.

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